Tropical Limeade

tropical_limade_ready3Can’t get yourself or your little ones to meet your daily serving amounts of fruits and vegetables? Try Juicing! Its the easiest way to get lots of fruits and vegetables into your daily diet in the most easily digestible form. That is how we get our picky eaters to consume their fruits and veggies and they love it!

My husband and I juice about 3 times a week with our Slow Star Juicer and then seal our mason jars with our Food Saver  so our juice stays fresh longer. The trick is to have fresh juice daily without having to make juice everyday! We also do our best to buy fresh organic produce. But if that is not possible for you, just stay away from fruit and veggies that belong to the Dirty Dozen list.

This tropical juice has the right balance of tart and tang and it is surprisingly filling! Parsley is packed with vitamin, minerals and it is the world’s most popular herb. Cucumber is filled with minerals and silica to support health skin, hair and nails. Pineapple contains the anti-inflammatory enzyme Bromelain and aids in digestion. Ginger is the perfect herb/root to sooth delicate bellies since it reduces inflammation. It also can alleviate nausea and vomiting.  Lemon and limes are the perfect addition due to its Ph balancing, antioxidant and antibiotic properties, making this juice the perfect powerhouse to start your day. Your body will thank you!

Tropical Limeade

By March 3, 2015

This juice is very easy to prepare and quick to make.  We love our Food Saver and Slow Star Juicer to preserve enzymes and nutrients from fruits and vegetables and keep the juice fresh longer!  I usually make sure to add 1 raw egg yolk to every cup of juice and 1 tsp of gelatin to enhance digestion and gut healing properties of the juice.



  1. Wash ingredients throughly.
  2. In a juicer, juice pineapple, cucumbers, ginger, parsley, lemons and limes.
  3. If desired add 1 raw egg yolk and/or 1 tsp gelatin.
  4. Drink it right away or store it in tightly close jar for 1-2 days.  You can store if for 2-4 days if you use a vacum sealer!
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